Friday, August 1, 2008

" The Greatest Invention Of the 20th Century is...

...air-conditioning" Well at least that's what Lee Kuan Yew said (or something like that) in the year 1999 as the world entered a new millennium. (go google it if you must) Yeah i know its old news but that's exactly it. Its OLD NEWS! 9 years on and we are still holding onto that? Singapore is supposed to be a progressive society yet 9 years on, we are installing air-conditioning in our hall; even at the peak of an oil price hike and the peak of environmental awareness of global warming. Let me just say this, AIR-CONDITIONING USES A LOT OF ENERGY!

If i am not wrong, in order to have good governance, we must "anticipate change and stay relevant." Shouldn't it be the same for schools especially government-funded schools?
The government is promoting using less air-conditioning so that we can be "greener" (just turn on your television to channel 5 for half an hour and you'll see what i mean) Yet our school is not following suit.

Another guiding principle for good
governance is "doing what is right and not what is popular" obviously this is not being implemented here in TK. I am sure saving the environment is the right thing to do. However, the school has decided against it and done what is popular with the students and installed the air-conditioning.

I've talked about 2 of the 4 guiding principles we learnt in Social Studies and the obviously school failed both. At this rate, i think the school will have difficulty
succeeding. The school leadership should seriously re-evaluate what is most important and I am sure allowing students to sit for exams in air-conditioned halls while children in Africa rest on wooden boards in hospital, without a fan let alone air-conditioning is not it.

1 comment:

Az said...

I wholeheartedly concur. Not to mention the energy, manpower, material needed to close up the hall and install the air-conditioning.

Glad I didn't help contribute to that one bit.

Funny thing is, the school's not even making an investment of any sort. They're wasting money (and being in debt) just so they can waste more money for the bills.

Pure genius, I tell you. Or Jam, maybe.