Sunday, August 3, 2008

Blame me not.

Sunday has come and those that frequent this blog would know by now that Sunday's post is usually about skating and indeed it is the truth today. Met Azri at 1530 today and went to Marine Parade block 6 skating at the void deck and later went to block 8. Why? cause skating corner @ East Coast Park is occupied by some inconsiderate company which thought that it would be great if they took 90% of the place for skating lessons even though it is a public place. Anyway today's post is not about that company. Az left around 6, Melvin came shortly after.
As if skating with my skates wasn't tough enough, 2 of my wheels gave way today and 1 gave way last week and i haven't replaced it , so yeah, as anyone would expect, skating with 3 wheels missing kinda sucked. Oh well :/

Here's a video of Mel and I fooling off. Pretty embarrassing stuff. Funny fall at 3:07
As usual, Melvin is in black and i am in camouflage pants.

The quality sucks cause i compressed it to upload faster

P.s Melvin and I are thinking of making a skating video. If you've got any footage that we can use, or you wanna be part of this project, pls contact me.

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