Sunday, August 31, 2008


Instead of skating, today I went to the movies! Second time this year! Got to watch Wall.e thanks to my brother's friend who treated my family to the movie. I find that the movie was pretty cliche and I kinda knew what gonna happen, very predictable story. However, in terms of animation and graphics, it was SUPERB, depth of field, colours, fog , etc...seemed perfectly drawn and animated. The movie also had good flow but it did not have me feeling for the characters in the end which is what i would expect of a good romance story.

My rating:

For those who want to hear more about skating from me, I'm sorry to say that it won't be happening anytime soon thanks to the dreaded O's.

Oh, before i forget, I found the English prelims pretty manageable. The summary was probably one of my best summaries I've ever done. I'm not trying to boast, just stating my opinion.

To all Secondary 4's

(O level wishes will come later)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

New blogskin!

Well if you haven't noticed by now, there's a new blog skin up and it has been a b*t*h to convert. Not cause the creator did it badly, in fact it was pretty user friendly. Trouble is that I had NIL information about HTML coding previously. Well at least I learnt rudimentary HTML in something like 3 hours. Thank god it was coded in ENGLISH, the only language I understand in written form.

Anyway, please comment about the blog skin.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Class photos

Since it sort of our last official day in school and teacher's day is around the corner, (tmr) we took lots of photos. I'm not gonna upload all the photos on this blog, just the better ones. the rest can be found here.


Handstand by Bolor

Tat trying to hit the top of the door frame

fun photo of ourselves

Our favourite teacher! Mr. Wee

Class photo!

And another one!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Days by the beach

Days by the beach are almost always fun. At least in my opinion they are, on the 16th, I went to East Coast not like I don't go there often, but it was Az's 16th birthday celebration (East Coast "expedition"). Around 28 people were invited and only 5 came! Seems like people don't really like exercise that much.

Anyway, the plan was to go from East Coast (around BK) to Changi (about 15 km there and back) on bicycles. Maybe that's why very few people came? Nevertheless, we had fun. Without futher ado, here are the pictures

We stayed around till around 1915 and we had 35 mins to cover >8km and we did it!

*p.s sorry about the late post, had some difficulty getting the pictures. *sharing folders on msn take a long time*

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Singapore National Freestyle Championship

Singapore National Freestyle Championship or SNFC for short, was great. Was on last Sunday at Sembawang. Pretty much arrived when the Freestyle SLALOM Men's competition ended (came for the slide event which was next) but managed to catch world no. 14, Clarence Cheung and 17 Terence Cheung (yes they are brothers).

Made me feel proud to be Singaporean cause they are the first "true blue" Singaporeans that i have seen who have made it so well in the sports scene but get ready for the next one which I found out half an hour later. The world no. 1, 2 and 4 in Freestyle SLIDE Men, come from Singapore! Definitely wowed me at that instant.

To me the slide even for men, was incredible. Sliding is somewhat like drifting on skates, so imagine around 30 people sliding. The amount of rubber that came off after just 10 minutes of warm-up had to be swept off and when swept, formed very visible dust clouds 5 meters away. The world no. 1 really deserves to be there, although I didn't see him in the finals, his warm up runs were enough to impress me senseless. The slides he did looked impossible and without a doubt, stylish to near perfection.

Here's a video link for those who don't know what sliding is like yet.
and another one

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another irony?

This is just a little add-on to the previous post cause i saw another irony today and guess where it was from? Mathematics Ten Year Series!!

If the discs were identical, why are they in different colours?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Thinking society?

Was doing my chemistry homework today and came across this. I know this makes complete sense but it seems like a paradox.

Dry crystals that are hydrated?

Although this is not a error, it reminded me of another paradox. The Ministry of Education wants us to be a "Thinking Society" but I don't think the current education system really encourages this. Here's an example from Geography Elective.

"How does the natural vegetation that you have identified in (a)i adapt itself to the temperature and rainfall shown in Figure 1?[6]"

The natural vegetation in (a)i is the Tropical Monsoon Rainforest (TMR) and the "[6]" indicates the number of marks allocated to the question. Since it is 6 marks, they want 6 adaptations. Problem is, the 6 adaptations are in the leaves, branches, roots, barks, PLANT DIVERSITY and FOREST DENSITY. The last 2 don't really make sense.

Let us start with the word adaptation, wikipedia says this about adaptation "
An adaptation is a characteristic of an organism that has been favored by natural selection and increases the fitness of its possessor."

Plant diversity "adaptation" they are talking about is in fact that TMRs have a smaller diversity of plants compared to the Tropical Rainforest. Is this really an adaptation? Isn't it more of a result of the infrequent rain in TMRs and not an adapation? I don't think a TMR is an organism.

Forest Density in TMRs in less than Tropical Rainforests. Really just the same case as the Plant diversity.
Is this really an adaptation? Isn't it more of a result of the infrequent rain in TMRs and not an adapation? I don't think a TMR is an organism.

Now, these adaptations did not come from me, but the text book. Written by GEOGRAPHERS. As though having errors in the text book wasn't bad enough, the teachers and examinations board blindly followed it. Thinking Society?

So, back to the poor student that actually thinks and understands, when he/she sees this question, he/she can only think of 4 adaptations because the other 2 aren't really adaptations. He/she knows the teachers want those 2 reasons but refuses to write it down, for if he/she does, wouldn't he have stopped thinking become a mindless, insignificant drone? In the end, he/she scores a maximum of 4 points while other mindless drones who wrote the other 2
"adaptations" scored 6. What have we just done? Believe it or not, we have just rewarded a mindless drone and discouraged those that think from thinking. Again, we must ask, is this how we are going to achieve a thinking society? To get the idea of the severity of this problem, just think about it. How many times have you questioned the textbook?

Here's something from wikipedia about the 'A' level examinations
which comes from the same board as the 'O's. Most of Singapore's Junior Colleges use the 'A' levels for an indication of the level of understanding and knoweldge after 12 years of education.

"A third view is that, as schools come under increasing pressure to improve their examination results, pupils are being coached to pass specific examinations, at the expense of a general understanding of their subjects."

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair recently suggested that one state school in every county should offer the Baccalaureate as an alternative to A-levels. They have humbled themselves. Can't Singapore can follow the footsteps of Britain -The country that hosts the Cambridge Examinations board-? Singapore may have one school offering the International Baccalaurete but it is a private school. Out of sight and out of reach of the general public who will have to sit for 'A's.

On a lighter note, poll on Jam is closed seems like 78% of people don't like Jam (i.e Strawberry, grape, etc...). Interesting.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Doing what i wanna do...

Tomorrow is gonna be one of the awesome-est days ever for me. Not because its national day (okay, maybe partially) tomorrow but I don't have anything I don't like to do on. It has been the longest time since I've had Saturday free I think ever since I came to TK, there hasn't been one Saturday I've been totally free. Pretty ironic since my first Saturday off is during my sec 4 year, my 'O' level year. Anyway, plan to spend it skating. So you can expect an image-heavy post or a video soon.

In other news, we had National Day Celebrations in school today and we got SOO high on booze cause it is gonna be our last National Day Celebration in TK. Just trying to make the best of it. Thanks to all the teachers who planned this year's National Day Celebration. The new way of doing it is way better and I hope that it will remain this way for the future cohorts to enjoy.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Blame me not.

Sunday has come and those that frequent this blog would know by now that Sunday's post is usually about skating and indeed it is the truth today. Met Azri at 1530 today and went to Marine Parade block 6 skating at the void deck and later went to block 8. Why? cause skating corner @ East Coast Park is occupied by some inconsiderate company which thought that it would be great if they took 90% of the place for skating lessons even though it is a public place. Anyway today's post is not about that company. Az left around 6, Melvin came shortly after.
As if skating with my skates wasn't tough enough, 2 of my wheels gave way today and 1 gave way last week and i haven't replaced it , so yeah, as anyone would expect, skating with 3 wheels missing kinda sucked. Oh well :/

Here's a video of Mel and I fooling off. Pretty embarrassing stuff. Funny fall at 3:07
As usual, Melvin is in black and i am in camouflage pants.

The quality sucks cause i compressed it to upload faster

P.s Melvin and I are thinking of making a skating video. If you've got any footage that we can use, or you wanna be part of this project, pls contact me.

Friday, August 1, 2008

" The Greatest Invention Of the 20th Century is...

...air-conditioning" Well at least that's what Lee Kuan Yew said (or something like that) in the year 1999 as the world entered a new millennium. (go google it if you must) Yeah i know its old news but that's exactly it. Its OLD NEWS! 9 years on and we are still holding onto that? Singapore is supposed to be a progressive society yet 9 years on, we are installing air-conditioning in our hall; even at the peak of an oil price hike and the peak of environmental awareness of global warming. Let me just say this, AIR-CONDITIONING USES A LOT OF ENERGY!

If i am not wrong, in order to have good governance, we must "anticipate change and stay relevant." Shouldn't it be the same for schools especially government-funded schools?
The government is promoting using less air-conditioning so that we can be "greener" (just turn on your television to channel 5 for half an hour and you'll see what i mean) Yet our school is not following suit.

Another guiding principle for good
governance is "doing what is right and not what is popular" obviously this is not being implemented here in TK. I am sure saving the environment is the right thing to do. However, the school has decided against it and done what is popular with the students and installed the air-conditioning.

I've talked about 2 of the 4 guiding principles we learnt in Social Studies and the obviously school failed both. At this rate, i think the school will have difficulty
succeeding. The school leadership should seriously re-evaluate what is most important and I am sure allowing students to sit for exams in air-conditioned halls while children in Africa rest on wooden boards in hospital, without a fan let alone air-conditioning is not it.