Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hey guys, I know I haven't been updating recently. I've been taking a break from blogging for a while now cause I've been busy studying. For those that don't know by now, my first paper is on the 20th, that's almost 7 days from now.(since its already 11:00pm)

As promised, here are some of the pictures of the Singapore Grand Prix. Sorry for keeping some of those anxious souls waiting. F1 was phenomenal to say the least, at least if you're into the sounds as much as the speed, like me. As the cars were racing, they were so loud, you could hear the cars about 400m away at 400m away, you could hear the engines (they sound more kickass than that Lamborghini you saw drive down the street the other day) as loudly as a truck 10m away from you. As they come around the bend where you're situated, you feel an adrenaline rush and your heart is pounding (it just happens, maybe its the fear of something so loud?)As you turn your head with your eyes tracking the 1st car, the moment seems to last for at least 5 seconds when in actuality is only 1 second. Despite what you see in pictures, the car does not pass by in a blur, but you can see the car very clearly. As you turn your head back, expecting the second car, 4 cars whiz past and you are stuck in a dilemma whether to try to turn and see the 4 cars that just passed by or to ignore them and just watch out for the next car.

That was the kind of situation at the Singapore Grand Prix for me at least.

i only put up a few cause most of the other pictures didn't look good

you can get the pictures here.

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