Saturday, October 18, 2008

We are ready

We are ready, we are ready,
To be the best that we can be
With strength and courage in our hearts,
pressing on to victory!

That was an excerpt from the NCC song and i hope all the Secondary 4's are feeling that way around now as the O levels are only 3 days away. Today I just felt like writing a post to encourage everyone out there slogging their hearts out studying. (even though they probably won't be reading this)

As the curtains close on your secondary school life, may we all boldly proclaim that these four years have been a victory for us all, even if your grades are bad, even if you have no friends. Know this my friend, that you have impacted the lives of possibly hundreds of people, that you have woken up almost everyday in the wee hours of the morning for 4 years and the list goes on. The point is, you are already a victor in your own right but don't stop just yet as yet another set of tests approach us.

As we march on to the front lines, know this my brethren. You have worked hard and that is all that is required of you. TK has prepared us thoroughly and there is no need to panic. It is now time to look forward as we face the last battle of this act. May the knowledge that we have acquired be our swords and our experience be our shield. Unsheathe the sword you have polished through revision and prepare for BATTLE!

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