Sunday, October 12, 2008

As the last pages are filled

It was the last day of school for us this Friday, it was heartbreaking to say the least. The feelings we had of finality, happiness, sadness all just manifested in us as a single feeling or mood in every single one of us.(i think) To me, the feelings which we had of school were captured perfectly by Azri's poem/song/rhyme, were about to be just a memory of the past.

Azri's poem

"For four years
I wake with disdain
Every day repeats
Again and again

But as I walk to class
Expecting nothing new
I see friends and happiness spreads
Like a pandemic - much like bird flu

I sit and talk
And I joke around
Imitating teachers
And their trademark frowns

We make fun of each other
And we have a good laugh
Joy then fills the air
Increasing like an exponential graph

In some classes we focus
In others we sleep
In most classes we talk
Or we stare like lost sheep

In any case
Life there was great
All thanks to the staff
The cleaners and schoolmates

The past four years
Are four I won't forget
For they are of paths crossed
With the people I met"

As i looked around at my class and TK for that matter, the silence of the school due to the lack of the sec 1,2 and 3 students felt like the school was saying goodbye to me; sad to part hence the solemness unlike other days, filled with excitement and noise. Time truly waits for no one, even best friends. Yes, i now consider TK as my friend, one that i have been seeing almost everyday for nearly 4 years. Tough not to feel attached to TK, an institution that has seen us grow.

On a lighter note, I would like to thank every single staff member of the school for the unrelenting effort they put in. You have touched my life in a way i can never explain and it would be IMPOSSIBLE to repay you for what you have done. Thank You.

Photos of the last day of school are here

Thanks for reading.

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