Sunday, July 6, 2008

Service Award , smerwise award

Just in case you thought I was bitching about not getting a service award, I actually do have one but this post is dedicated to those who did not get one. Cheer up. Sure Service Awards look good on a resume but do you want to work for someone else your whole life, making him richer? Service Awards just show that that person is good at service. Everyone is gifted, but there are only limited service awards to be given. If you don't have one, don't despair continue what you do best. It'll pay off. Anyway, here are some pictures i took on Service Award Day.

That's me in no. 3

My friend Azri and I, two of TK NCC(sea) 's 3 1st sergeants

Damn, Ashley is taller than me :( (both of us were tip-toe-ing)

The Dyanamic Trio

In other news, I vinyl-ed my file with environment conservation messages. GO captain planet!

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