Tuesday, June 24, 2008

*zombie sounds*

Yup, school has started and what a WONDERFUL way to start it with a test until 1713! On top of that, the timetable was changed its simply THE BEST! We have 1 hours 10 minutes of maths with Mrs Fu and after that another 1 hour 10 minutes or additional maths with Mr Kang on Monday. You know what kind of mental distress that can give you? We also have 2 hours and 20 minutes of Biology. simply perfect.

Feel like bitching about the changes in our school right now so if you're not interested, RUN! Those people who know me should already know how I feel about the school. The school is changing, but it think its changing in the wrong way. Please understand that I know change is important for progress I just think that its going to the wrong way and i think we both know who's responsible for it. When i came to Tanjong Katotng Secondary School with a PSLE score of 257 (That was pretty high at that time, possibly the highest in my cohort in TK) in 2005, I came to this school not because it had an air-conditioned auditorium and x number of computer labs. When i came ot this school I felt a culture, The TK culture, it was unique to TK. You could feel the warmpth of the seniors, the strive to do well despite the fact that we didn't have a fancy name like Raffles or Victoria. We had a name that sounded like any other neighborhood school "Tanjong Katong" simple and malay-ish. Reminds you of kampongs and Singapore culture and the school lived up to it. It was friendly and you felt safe. Your closest friends would be your classmates or CCA friends there was no need for some silly house system to bond us together.
In my opinion, i think that TK is becoming like any other school. I think that we are becoming less unique. We can maintain our unique TK spirit while progressing. I'll give an example on how TK is becoming like any other school. We have an air-conditioned hall now, I know you're thinking, 'but its not common for schools to have air-conditioned halls." Correct but i would like to ask you, "How many schools dream of having an air-conditioned hall?" We can be unique by not having an air-condition hall.

On the topic of the air conditioned hall, are we attracting the right kind of students with this air-conditioned hall? In my opinion, not the right kind. The people that this would matter to would be those lazy, spoilt kids; no doubt they may score 290 for PSLE but let us think about those before us. Those that came to TK with lower scores but worked hard for their O's. TK was built on these hardworking students and i think that if lazy students come to TK, TK is doomed. I think that having an air-conditioned hall is not a good decision by the school. We all know how freezy the auditorium can get in one hour. Now think about sitting for a two hour exam in the auditorium that's that its gonna be like in the hall when we take our O's this year. If you bring in a jacket to warm yourself up, what's the point of having air-conditioning? Let me remind you that air-conditioning the hall requires A LOT of energy with oil at $140 per barrel. I don't think it will be very wise. This unneccessary oil usage is what's pushing the demand up like nobody's business even though it is. Also, with global warming taking taking its effect thanks to all the fossil fuel that's being burnt soon even more energy is needed to cool the hall. I am totally against the air-conditioned hall and i hope you agree with my opinion.

Sorry about the extremely long post. Thanks for reading

Your friendly zombiefied neighbourhood stalker

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