Monday, June 16, 2008

Crushing sandwiches

If you're wondering why the name of my blog is "crushing sandwiches", no I don't partake in consuming or creating crushed sandwiches . I don't know why I called it that either. As for my url, i was inspired by a friend.

This blog is gonna be about anything random what I deem worthy of being on this sacred place. So trashy emo kids BEWARE! You will find no emo-ness here! Now run along kids; as for the real men. "TONIGHT, WE DINE IN HELL!!!"

I am that man hiding in you're closet a fourteen year old student in Tanjong Katong Secondary School. I skate, freestyle slide skating if you were wondering and studying for my O's is just a distraction. I am in the BEST CCA ever and that's NCC (sea). That's right band you're not the best remember? "the best display band of the year award goes to....."

Thanks for reading my first blogpost. you are watching history in the making!


Az said...

welcome to the blogosphere, mai fren lol

Timothy Ben Chang Kai Sheng said...

lol thanks