Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rain, rain go away...

Went out with church people today to the beach and while i was there i noticed how much we Singaporeans complain. First it was too hot*complains*, then it rained*complains*. There's no pleasing Singaporeans is there? Anyway on a more light-hearted topic, i found out that if you dig deep enough into the beach you will reach a part where the sand becomes clayey, you can take that clay and make clay balls :D of course add some water to stick the clay together.

On another totally irrelevant t0pic, here are some pictures of my school. Yes, school can look good.

and here's a picture of my classroom

pretty peaceful eh?

Anyway, in other news, a game called spore (yes it resembles the short form for Singapore WOW! Get over it.) released a trial creature creator software. Pretty cool stuff. Here's a picture of a creature i created.

If you're interested in it, you can get it here.
Have fun!

Your friendly neighborhood stalker

1 comment:

Az said...

Man, I wanna have a classroom like that.