Friday, September 26, 2008


Hey readers! For those who didn't know by now, I have F1 passes! Got 2 sets for the weekend (that's Friday, Saturday and Sunday) For those that don't have the opportunity to go, I'll be posting up some pictures soon so that you guys can experience some of the action. World's first night race, so happy I'm gonna be there. (Imagine telling your kids/grandchildren that you were there) For now I've just got pictures of the passes, looks pretty good considering that it was probably designed by a Singaporean. For now, all I have are pictures of the passes I hope these will satisfy your apetite for now.

This is the box that the passes came in, it looks pretty high quality.

Inside the box.

Saturday's pass

Sunday's pass

I was thinking about blogging about love, something along the lines of love in an unloving world? I don't know if I should blog about it cause it may probably just make me look like some emo kid. I promise that I will try my very best to make it a very mature discussion and also I will refrain from allowing my personal feelings, not opinions from influencing the discussion. Please write your opinions in the comment box. :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

So much news!

Its been a very busy and tiring fortnight so i haven't been able to update. Sorry for keeping you waiting my loyal/eager fans. (If I actually do have loyal/eager fans) So there's plenty of news this past week and this will probably be a long post probably some pictures too THERE IS A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE BOTTOM! So lets BEGIN!

1. PRELIMS ARE OVER! (yeah its old news) Anyway, I've been busy studying for close to the past 2 weeks for the prelims so I was kinda tired/ busy to think of stuff to blog about or even just type on the keyboard.(damn, i sound lazy). In my opinion, I think I'll do well for this prelims, mainly cause I studied this time so I was able to attempt the questions confidently.

2.Relatives from Malaysia came over! Well that pretty much explains everything, spent quite some time with my cousin who came over and he was using the com so I didn't really have the computer to blog on.

3.New laptop! My dad bought a new laptop for himself , a Toshiba Satellite L310.

It was a good buy in my opinion, for $999 at Harvey Norman, he got the laptop, charger, etc...,free RAM upgrade to 3GB, laptop bag and a monochrome laser printer +toner. I don't know if this is similar to COMEX offerings but its a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

4. PLAYSTATION 3! My brother finally bought the PS3 after a long wait. Its our first gaming console so yeah, its pretty awesome.

Its an 80GB model just if you were wondering and please don't ask me if you can come over to play it. It is NOT mine.

5. Went skating! Melvin and I went skating, planned to skate-study-skate from morning to afternoon to escape the hot sun in the afternoon and since has promos and I have O's it sounded like a good idea. Yeah, I know, 2 days after prelims and I'm studying! Anyway, we thought it would be cool in the morning, we were SOO wrong. I have a really gross picture of my belly swimming in sweat thanks to Singapore's heat and humidity but I won't put it up cause its really, really gross. If there's enough requests though I may consider putting it up. This time Mel and I decided against taking videos, just pictures, so here they are!

This is called a mistral, (moving from right to left)

This is a parallel slide, I think this was the best shot for me that day.
(once again, moving from right to left)

This is a backslide (once again, moving from right to left)

A failed backslide, pretty epic cause my right foot almost hit the kid's head (his parents saw this, the mum is the woman in white in the background) my left foot ended up just in front of his front wheel. Talk about a close shave

This is an Acid toe.

This is a fastwheel, the difference between acid toe and fastwheel is where the toe is facing. Acid is outward, away from the body while fastwheel is inward. (moving from left to right)

Thanks to Melvin who was the camera man.

6. This subject may seem unfitting for this post but, HECK! The US seems to be in bad shape economically the sub-prime crisis seems to be taking a big toll on the US economy with some experts thinking it might lead to an economic crisis on the proportions of The Great Depression. Lets just hope they were wrong but neither can you really say that they are exaggerating with so many banks collapsing especially since the Lehman Brothers (a 150+ year old bank) joined the ranks of the fallen banks and AIG fighting for its survival.

Singapore's economy is closely linked to the US economy so if an economic crisis on the scale of the Great Depression occurred in the US, could this spell an end to Singapore's years of prosperous growth? Can Singapore take such a small strike at such a young age of 43. My opinion is that Singapore can and will survive. How can I say this you ask? For the simple reason that many other countries that are now considered super powers have also encountered such crisis at a young age as well or how Israel has fathered/mothered such a nation despite the holcaust during World War II when Israel wasn't even formed yet for example. The real question that we should debate about here in my opinion, is how hard Singapore will be hit and will Singapore return to its "glory days". For these 2 questions, I cannot give a good response without having my heavily propaganda-influenced Social Studies knowledge coming to mind. Please state your opinions in the tag board if you wish.

I will be changing my blog to

due to popular choice and personal preference.

That's it for today, Thanks for reading this blog.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Hey guys! I am currently contemplating the thought of changing my url something shorter and easier to remember. Right now, I'm thinking of something along the lines of "" If you have any suggestions please feel free to add it in the comments box. I'll put up a poll on the coment box "page" as well.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Hey, hey! Spent the day doing our school's ungodly chemistry resource book and right now it doesn't seem all that ungodly any more :D pumped my way through it till around 6 and got to pg 81! Funny thing is I didn't realise I had done so many questions, must have been caught up with answering the questions and is it just me or are the questions too familiar?

Here's a picture of the resource book for those who don't know how thick it is.

On the left is what is completed already.

P.S. Just wanted to say thanks to the Chem Department for all these questions!